Since a blog is essentially a self-aggrandizing machine, I am starting a list of places where I have been recognized as a comedian. I’ll start here and update as needed.
The Fez nightclub!
Chaos Cafe, a couple times. I’m pretty famous in vegetarian eateries.
Los Gorditos, when I tried to tell the counter girl my name, she said, “I know who you are.” And she did! That’s my favorite.
CAPTAIN AHAB show at the Artistery: I was dancing like an idiot, and a girl said “I’m a fan of yours.” I said “Of my dancing?” and she said “no.”
Pearl Bakery: A very handsome person had seen me host at Helium, but gave no indication on whether or not he thought I was funny.
Mt Angel Oktoberfest: Technically recognized for hosting Brian Perez’s bingo at the Woods, but I also made jokes that night.
Saturday Market, by hippies.
Costco, as referred to onstage approximately one hundred times.
Nike, I was recognized as a lady who also told jokes at an art museum.
Blossoming Lotus Vegan, by a nice waitress.
Baby Ketten Karaoke, where all the cool kids go anyway.
The Horsehead Pub in Eugene, where Autumn was having a birthday.
Mugs & Suds in Sequim, OR. It’s the only bar in Sequim, so that’s not such a stretch.
Espresso Factory in Port Orford, OR, because my headshot was in their weekly newsletter. Newsletter!
Afterparty at Bumbershoot 2010- at Chop Suey. I was recognized not just as someone who had done time that day at Bumbershoot, but as someone who had done time at Ameen Behlbari’s showcase in SF. This was written down in a little notebook, and was shown to me.
Moshe Kasher show at Hollywood Theatre- This might be cheating, because comedy fans come to comedy shows, but still.
Laurelthirst, a lady had just come to Helium and seen me host the open mike!
Dutch Bros coffee, where young people who go to open mikes work!
OKCupid, lots of times, by people who say they “love my comedy”, but are silent and weird if we go out and they buy me a drink. Yay!
Hollywood Improv- recognized from Portlandia, which is weird, because I don’t say anything on that show.
Zulu Tattoo: The appointment lady showed me video of myself singing at a Supernatural convention. Highlight of highlights.
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