Category: costume
In which Bloodmeadow and Helfire discuss True Blood, Poseurs, the 2012 Election, and bargain hunting, and are visited by Robert Smith and Siouxsie Sioux!
Farewell to a Good Boy
This is a photo essay about the best boy in the world, Chico Jones. Originally from Bakersfield, California, he was handsome and rambunctious and strong.

Chico would sometimes work as an artist’s model, for both painting and photography, although he couldn’t sit still for a super long time, unless he was asleep.

Like most people, soon after he moved to Portland he became a DJ, but never attained the fame of DJ Mama.

He was very popular, especially with Janine Brito.
He moved on to the next party on September 1st. He went out as he came in, loving, handsome, and slightly gassy. I will love my boy forever and ever.
Previous posts on Chico:
Michael Clark, Not The Guy From Green Mile
I was extra disconcerted by the tweetplosion on the death of Michael Clarke Duncan because I thought it was Michael Clark, the Scottish modern dancer/choreographer who worked with The Fall, Charles Atlas, Peter Greenaway, Laibach, and Leigh Bowery, and I was not aware that he was that famous. No, it’s the big dude from Green Mile. That makes more sense. This has been a free peek inside my head.
Also, thank God that Michael Clark is still around being weird!
Edit: In later years, I met a British dancer who had an affair with Michael Clark and said he was a real arsehole!
Bloodmeadow The Goth Vs. Comic-Con
And now, a special report from the Lady Bloodmeadow, our Gothixxx correspondent.
Sunglasses by Ann-Sofie Back
Most demonic greetings. I recently hit San Diego for the largest Comic-Con nerd-fest that has ever occurred. I was able to drive because I have finally gotten my License back from the Pigs, because I Promised that I would not drive with the Dead-Eye in, but I was Lying.
As I traversed through the convention, I could not help but feel that I was being watched, monitored, by a force most Sinister.
I had my Photo taken many Times, although I was not dressed up as anything. Towards the end of the day, it became Clear that Nerds were asking for my photograph so that they could approach Me and not be Hissed at.
At One Point, I was asked to participate in a Cosplay Shot for Chris Hardwick, although I again explained I Was Not Dressed As Anything.

The Best thing about Comic-Con was that it was held indoors, far from the punishing rays of the Sun. The worst thing was everything else. I was subjected to a great deal of Noise and walked through many, many hot nerd Farts.
Everyone complaining that ComicCon is not what it once was: did you know there’s still lots of small sweaty comics-only conventions? This is like complaining that we evolved from an ancestor of monkeys. There’s still monkeys!
Postscript: My last moments at my first Comic-Con were spent at a bar, where I was waiting for the idiot I had been dating at the time to show up to promote a movie he had worked on, and while I was waiting a nerd was chatting up Bloodmeadow and when she denied the opportunity to go have sex with her he BIT her hard on the upper arm, and left a giant bruise. I don’t know why people say nerd culture is toxic to women.
See also SDCC-13- Bloodmeadow Returns!
GOTHIXXX rides again
Photo and Alteration by Lizzy Pilcher
A little dead bird has told me that the second episode of Gothixxx has been recorded and is being processed, so start shining up your pointiest shoes and tightlace your corset, which really doesn’t look as good as you think it does, because it mostly just makes your bottom look even larger than it was before. Click on the photo to see the full size version, but remember, we’ll eat your soul.
Hack the TEMPTU
OK, this post is pretty specific.
I have been working on how to refill the TEMPTU pods with more dramatic makeup and wanted to share my results. This post probably won’t be interesting if you don’t use airbrush makeup and aren’t a goth with time on their hands. I will, however, show you how to airbrush a spider on your face. Also, please don’t look into the infinity of the mirrored hallways. You may travel backwards or forwards in time, but I really have no way of knowing which.
Update: As per commenter Jon, hooking up the pro SP-35 to the pod system is easy- The hose that comes with the pod system has a large flange at the end that plugs into the wand. Just cut off that flange and press the hose right onto the barbed connector that comes with the SP-35. Works great. Thanks to Jon!
Updated Updates: I ordered the new SE-50 lightweight gravity-fed gun for $75, and it has options for attaching to either the Temptu compressor or the Pro- Free yourself from the Pod and let go!
Updated Updates Updates: Now that Temptu is no longer at Sephora, if you buy the Pod system on Ebay and cut off the hose, you can use any airbrush gun and have a pretty cheap makeup airbrush system!
Take a bit of time to experiment, so far no liquid makeup has worked as well as the Temptu makeup, but I’m sure you’ll find some! The best consistency for base, highlighter, and color is the consistency of half and half or whole milk- a little thicker than milk and not as thick as cream…
I have owned two of the Temptu-sponsored airbrushes and can advise that SE 50 is smaller and more lightweight, the smaller size means it’s a little more fussy/needs to be really DETAIL CLEANED over the big old SP35, which is better for body art and large areas-
Also, my new favorite thing to do with my airbrush is to paint my eyebrows on- find a nice brown color two shades darker than your hair and spray paint them on! It looks so graphic!