Smile- GLENDALIA LOVES YOU!” title=”glendalia11b”>

GLENDALIA LOVES YOU! Come be our Valentine, along with:

Chuck Sklar– As seen on Conan O’ Brien and Chris Rock!
Jon Huck- Live at Gotham, Comedy Central
Andy Peters– EXCLAMATION MARK album, winner of Rocky Mountain Laugh Off
Alysia Wood– Winner- America’s Next Funniest, LCS!
Kyle Shire– Flappers’ regular, number one in your hearts
Adam Gropman– SF Punchline, The Comedy Store, Improv
Cat Rhinehart-LAUGHS TV, overall hilarious lady

and your lovely hosts, Dax Jordan and Virginia Jones!

No Cover!

Two lottery spots for visiting comics!

We’re excited to bring you another free night of LA’s finest comedians in a goth bar in Glendale- here’s the Facebook invite page!

Yes, I Like Pina Coladas

The Pina Colada song- I did this song interpretation at the request of my friend Drew Groove!  I don’t really like this song, but it’s kind of a time capsule.

Eliza Rickman’s Start with Goodbye

I have known a creepily lifelike doll named Eliza Rickman for several years, and today she released a video for her song, Start With Goodbye. It’s composed of forced perspective vignettes with taxidermied animals.  Please enjoy it.

New Year Photos

Photo by Jonathan Saunders
Photo by Jonathan Saunders

Jonathan Saunders took this picture of me this week, largely because neither of us had anything better to do.  He’s shot George Carlin, Bernie Madoff, Don Imus, and me.  He’s an expert marksman, an artist, and a real weirdo.  Check out his photo blog at