Eliza Rickman’s Start with Goodbye

I have known a creepily lifelike doll named Eliza Rickman for several years, and today she released a video for her song, Start With Goodbye. It’s composed of forced perspective vignettes with taxidermied animals.  Please enjoy it.

New Year Photos

Photo by Jonathan Saunders
Photo by Jonathan Saunders

Jonathan Saunders took this picture of me this week, largely because neither of us had anything better to do.  He’s shot George Carlin, Bernie Madoff, Don Imus, and me.  He’s an expert marksman, an artist, and a real weirdo.  Check out his photo blog at www.iliketotellstories.com.


It’s a Very Vegan Christmas!

My talented best friend Pete Ellison (designer of my website, music impresario, DJ and artist- previously mentioned here, here, and here, and here and here!)  has made this adorable t-shirt, suitable for you or your vegan/vegetabletarian friends and family!

  It’s available in yellow, green, or blue, and is hand-printed in Pete’s home studio in soft, eco-friendly waterbased inks.  I like this tee especially because it doesn’t have the “and you’re a dick” subtext of a lot of veggie tees, it’s just a fun burger that loves you and wants to be eaten, because everyone knows that tofu is a very masochistic food.  Click HERE to order!

This first run is limited to 75 pieces!  You’ll be wearing the only tofu burger tee in the whole vegan grocery/yoga class/tall bike ride/waterpark/DJ night/transgender dance party/coffee bean tasting/hula hoop class/laundromat dance party/bear bowling event!

Go visit my IMDb!



Mom!  I have an IMDb page!  Here!  That means I’m a real person, sort of.  I’m still looking for interesting trivia to add to it, so write me with suggestions.

Vagina Jones

It was brought to my attention that there’s an all-lady improv group in SF called Vagina Jones.   I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

POSTSCRIPT: I met the founder of Vagina Jones, a now-defunct SF improv group, Kaeli Quick, and she didn’t understand why it was troublesome to me to have Vagina Jones appear at the Sketchfest every year while I never did.