Halloween 2013: God Save the Queen!

virginia jones as Queen Victoria costume goth

This year I decided to find a new “sexy” costume, so I went with the dowager Queen Victoria. She wore mourning black for forty years after the death of her beloved consort Prince Albert.  She was the first Royal to be photographed, and believed that cosmetics were for prostitutes and actresses. Is there really a difference?

The high point of my Halloweek was visiting Emo Philips, and he seemed very pleased to meet Sexy Queen Victoria.

virginia jones as queen victoria photographed by evan ballinger

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Ground Control Karaoke

Dear Los Angeles Karaoke Nerds;

I hope you know that the finest karaoke in LA is to be found in the Ground Control book curated by the awesome Andrew Paul Holguin, appearing Tuesdays at Offbeat in Highland Park- are you aware that this is a tight, super-weird, nerd-friendly book?  That there’s a Smiths list as long as your arm?   That the crowd is patient and endlessly supportive?  It starts around nine and ends when the fun stops, which is never!  Here’s a short list of a few of my favorite songs.  Ground Control, thanks for letting me sing G.G. Allin’s I Kill Everything I Fuck, which was my prom theme.  Weird songs!  Weird people!  Good Times!

Arctic Monkeys-R U Mine

Black Keys-Gold On The Ceiling

Cramps- Goo Goo Muck

Current 93-Crowleymass

Daft Punk-Get Lucky

David Bowie- Moonage Daydream

Deniece Williams-Let’s Hear It for the Boy

Duffy- Mercy

Editors- Munich

GG Allin-I Kill Everything I Fuck


Hole- Violet

INXS-Listen Like Thieves

La’s-There She Goes

Leonard Cohen-Future

Mark Ronson Feat Amy Winehouse-Valerie

Nick Cave-Jubilee Street

Nick Cave-Mercy Seat

Patti Smith-Because The Night

Pixies- Hey (Baby Ketten Version)

Psychic TV- Godstar

Pulp- This is Hardcore

Radiohead-Exit Song (From A Film)

Robert Palmer- I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On

Sam And Dave-Soul Man


Sly Foxx-Let’s Go All The Way

Soft Cell- Bedsitter

Smiths-Headmaster Ritual

Smiths- What Difference Does It Make?

Space-Female of the Species

Sparks-This Town Ain’t Big Enough For Both Of Us

Suede-Beautiful Ones

Television-Torn Curtain

Tom Waits-I Hope That I Don’t Fall In Love With You

Velvet Underground-Heroin

White Stripes- My Doorbell

Will Smith-Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It

Wombats-Let’s Dance To Joy Division

Yazoo-Bad Connection

Very Gothixxx Halloween

Gothixxx were glad to welcome the lovely Dave and Jenn Bats of Release the Bats fame to the program, as well as guest cameraman Derrick Lemos.

California Costumes Stole Me!

I have been immortalized, in cheap wig form, as a blind pop star of some sort.

It has come to my attention that I have been immortalized, in cheap wig form, by the good people at California Costumes.  Now, I don’t know when I became a blind pop star, but evidently that’s my overall look.  These people owe me royalties and I’m going to sit right here on my couch until I get them.

All Jane! No Dick!

Innovative, hilarious comedians coming together to perform, discuss, inform, and inspire. A four-day festival featuring stand-up, sketch, improv, panels, workshops, and a documentary screening.

The first and only festival of its kind, this four-day event presents a carefully curated blend of the best up-and-coming comedic performers and nationally headlining comics from New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, and beyond.

This year’s lineup includes Bonnie McFarlane (HBO One-Night Stand, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Last Comic Standing), Lauren Lapkus (Orange Is the New Black, The To-Do List, Are You There Chelsea?), Cameron Esposito (The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, “Put Your Hands Together”), and Aparna Nancherla and Janine Brito (writers and performers on Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell). Local performers include Portland staples Whitney Streed, Stacey Hallal, Barbara Holm, JoAnn Schinderle, Susan Rice, Amy Miller, and expatriate Virginia Jones.

The goal of this festival is to celebrate the unique voices of women in comedy, providing inspiration and increasing visibility for the top performers of today and tomorrow. It encourages collaboration and dialogue and highlights the great diversity of artistic approaches amidst female comedic performers today.

A Henchman’s Letter

First of all, let me say, I’m really excited to be joining your team of henchmen.  When I saw the ad on Craigslist, I thought, this might be my path out of depression, self-destruction, and debt, and I get my own leather jumpsuit!   I’m excited about backing you up when you show up places and make big pronouncements and call for the action of the Target so that we can lure him into a trap.  I’m proud to be your muscle and your backup.  You’re a big man, and I love being a part of the operation you’re building here.   That  being said, I want to clarify your expectations of me.

1. I’m a minor character, so I’m never going to be a sureshot.

If I’m shooting at your Target, I’m never going to so much as wing him.  I’m a minor character.  I am only ever referred to as HENCHMAN #2.  I’m never gonna land anything, no matter how many hours I spend on the firing range.  If I’m lucky, I’ll accidentally shoot another henchman and he’ll yell at me for comic effect.

2. If the Target seriously hurts me, I’m going to go seek medical attention, not fight him to the death.

I’m an hourly employee.  I’m not going to risk my life on this shit.  If I’m losing blood and fighting the Target on top of a collapsing tension bridge?  I’m gonna get the fuck off the bridge and get some stitches and some painkillers and go home and watch The Voice.  

 I’m not your Mom.  I’m not motivated by superhuman loyalty or revenge.  I’m working for just over minimum wage.   I don’t even get Medical, we’re all independent contractors because Aetna would be really curious about all the claims your henchmen make for being strangled and shot and burned and bitten by sharks.  It’s not worth it.   You didn’t know I loved The Voice?  There’s a lot you don’t know about me.  Work-life balance.  Look it up.

3.  Lastly, I’m human.  I make mistakes.  When I tell you that the Target has escaped and I honestly apologize and tell you it won’t happen again, don’t tell me you know it won’t and be creepily affectionate towards me (which I LOVE, I didn’t grow up with a Dad, obviously) and then kill me.  I’m doing the best I fucking can.  Your Target is an Oxford-educated international spy in constant contact with a support network keeping track of his every move and feeding him information.  You know I didn’t even finish high school, man.

Thanks so much for reviewing this!  Now, let’s get out there and build an evil empire!

Regards, Henchman #2

Drunken Tales!

This is one of my favorite lifetime stories, which I presented at Mike O’Connell’s Drunken Tales of Glory and Shame.

Now, I’ve enjoyed this night several times, and the theme of the stories tends to be the indiscretions of youth, so I’d like to open with a story from a month ago. 

I asked a boy to meet me out, and when I got there, he was sitting with a couple I knew and also another girl, so I punished him by drinking several drinks very quickly, and when the DJ asked me if I smoked pot, I said of course I do, I’m a cool person!  And I don’t smoke pot, because I’m bad at it.  I took one hit and immediately became horizontal.  I crawled to my car and threw up in a parking lot.  He texted me and said “you disappeared” and I said “you had a date already” and he replied “not a date, just a friend” so I thought “tell that to her face”, and then I took a four hour car nap like a classy lady.

It’s just that in the first year of life, you get a million times smarter, and then the next year you learn to walk and talk, which you’ll need every day forever, and from the 20th to 30th year, you get a little smarter, but now I get only a hair smarter every year.  You can’t expect to get that much smarter every single year.  This year I learned about not parking on Wilshire after 4pm and that’s it.

But this is also a story from my youth.

One time I was at a rave in an industrial park in Dallas, TX, and I was on acid and vodka, and we had been dancing all night to the Good Vibe Tribe, two DJ’s from England with floppy hair,, and  it was getting early in the morning, and two gays were on the dance floor, whipping an incoherent fashion model with her own wig, you know, it was THAT time of the night, and these two guys tell my friend the drugs dealer that they want to buy some Ketamine. 

My friend Special Keith, and we called him special Keith because he was the only Special K or Ketamine dealer in Dallas, and we thought we were very clever, he says, come with me, and I guess I’m supposed to be the muscle or something, but it turns out I’m bad at it.  I’m all gacked up,we get round a corner,  and these guys pull a gun and say give us all your drugs, and Keith, who is on ketamine, that he’s named after,, says, “you can’t shoot me, I’m special Keith!” and grabs for the gun and the gun goes off and the guys run off and there we are, standing on the street corner, and he says, did you get shot? 

And I say no, did you get shot? And he says yes, I’m shot, and I laid him down on the ground and called for help, and the DJ’s appear and put an airline pillow under his head, and I go to call an ambulance from a payphone.  Kids, this is the 1990’s, and everyone didn’t have a cell phone.  Keith had one because he was a drugs dealer, but I didn’t have one, because I was a fashion design student, and I walk up to the closest pay phone and call and explain that my friend has been shot, and there’s no street address but if the ambulance can meet me at the closest intersection  I can guide them to where he is.  The operator says, snidely, you’re calling me from a Hooters.  I said, does that mean he hasn’t been shot, because that would be great!  That would be my preference!  Are you magic?

Ambulance comes, and Keith gets in, and my friend Mel, and some girl that was with the Good Vibe Tribe and I’m staring daggers at this whore, and the nurse is telling Keith, we need to know what you’re on, we won’t tell the police but we have to know so we can treat you, and he goes through this shopping list- a little K, a little coke, some cocktails, some more K, some acid, some hash, some more coke- and the nurse does have to admit that it was pretty clever of Keith to take massive painkillers before being shot, because he’s  really in no pain at all, and it probably helped him from going into shock.  

 We get to the hospital and he’s admitted and I get to enjoy the county public hospital and do a police report and see a man with elephantitis of the legs, no ankles at all, just knees to feet the same circumference,  shuffling down a hallway, all on acid, at 9AM Sunday morning.  And it’s great.  And that’s how I know I can’t have a bad trip.  I’m un-bad-trippable.  The girl from the Good Vibe Tribe says, where did they take him?  And I said, into ER, whore, and she says, I have to get that pillow back.  There’s 300 hits of acid sewn into it.

A couple hours later, a nurse sees us in the hallway and says, you can go see your friend now, and I was all, how does she know who our friend is, and Mel says, you’re dressed like Raggedy Ann on a bad trip and you have yarn in your hair, and I say fine, and we go see Keith, who has had ALL his piercings removed for X-rays and is almost unrecognizable. 

As it turns out, if the bullet had gone a little higher, it would have bust a kidney, and a little lower, it would have shattered his hip, and so for a long time we said he was a boy saved by platform shoes.    Shortly after that, he stopped dealing drugs and started being a realtor, which is less dangerous.  Also, when we were at the hospital, his mother said “you’re the last of my kids I ever thought would get shot!” and he said “Mommm, that’s what you said when I was sold into white slavery!