Rehashed Onion

I put in for a fellowship at the Onion, and I didn’t get it, but I still think these jokes are pretty tasty!


Remote Island Discovered Where Gnarls Barkley Still Famous

Sanjaya and Zendaya Get Married, Confusing Moms Everywhere

Area Woman Posts Selfie;  Hears From Every Man She Knows

Escape Room becomes Rage Room in Single Bad Afternoon

Instant Pot “Not Instant Enough” For Hungry Dad

Pet Turtle Has No Idea What’s Going On

Local Child Petitions City Council To Decriminalize Bed-Jumping

Wedding Planner’s Suicide Note References Mason Jars;  Edison Bulbs

Electric Scooter Rentals Now Ask That Users Wipe Blood From Display After Use

Model Sets New Bar For Body Image: Says, “You Can Be No Wider Than This Bar”

Last Geocities Flame .Gif Burns Out

Stan Lee Cause Of Death At 95 Revealed: Taken By Thanos

Time Travel: If You Know Who Hitler Is, We Don’t Have It

So-Called “MANDELA AFFECT” Explained: People Are Morons

Last Handful of Pokemon Go! Monsters Have Crossbred Into Uncatchable Mutants

Self Driving Car Service Lasted 48 Hours Before Cars Were Used As Mobile Sex Hotels

Taylor Swift Disguises Self As Giant Bird To Avoid Paparazzi

“Reduce Vet Bills By 90%” Campaign Popularizes Pet Euthanasia Services

Area Boyfriend Sure He Needs More Katanas

Local Muskrat Never Found Muskrat Love Before Dying Muskrat Death Muskrat Alone

Salman Rushdie Wows EU Summit With New Cut, Color

News Updates

Single Woman Celebrates Receipt Of One Hundredth Dick Pic

  MINNEAPOLIS, MN  “I don’t remember exactly why I started saving them,” said local woman Caroline Chalmers.  “The first couple of times I got one, I just deleted it and tried to forget about it,” she told reporters. “But then, they I got so many that it seemed like a fun game to see how many I would get, abiding by the ground rules that I never asked for them, acknowledged their receipt, or met the men sending them.”

 Sorting the images by size and color, she eventually started an x-rated Pinterest page. “Everyone likes this little fire hydrant shaped one! I don’t remember what that guy’s name was. Anyway, who knows why anyone collects anything?”

Hollywood Investors Establishing Spiderman Reboot Industry

STUDIO CITY, CA  In a tremendous investment and concentration of resources, Columbia Pictures has established a separate financial entity responsible for the planning, shooting, editing and distribution of future Spiderman reboots.

 Featuring a boutique spidey suit design house, a New York Brownstone soundstage, and most importantly, a stable of young men being groomed as future Spider-Men, executives were confident that they could front-load to deliver Spiderman reboots through the year 2030.  An open gymnasium door revealed a gaggle of identical brown-haired thirteen year olds practicing parkour before a passing white-haired executive smiled and pulled the door closed.

Gig Economy Update: Area Woman Hired To Clean Her Own House By Husband

   COLUMBUS, OH  “When the app first went off, I was really confused,” said Tina Hale, a recently laid-off cocktail waitress and new You’ve Got It Maid contractor.  “It’s supposed to find me cleaning work near my house, but the address looked like it *was* my house. I thought it was maybe a bug, so I wrote the support email.  In just a couple hours they said nope, my husband had ordered a cleaning service.” She stood in her own living room, sizing up the job. “I guess he was trying to do something nice for me,  and I guess the place got a little ragged this month, but he’s gonna pay twice to clean it what I’m gonna get paid to do it. And if he doesn’t give me five stars I’m moving out.” She then went to her closet to get her own cleaning supplies, cursing lightly under her breath as she did so.

Tips For Choosing The Right Gift

Enter their height, weight, and favorite Starburst flavor into the Amazon Gift Optimizer and let the algorithm do the rest!

Secretly collect 200 ml of their saliva to submit for DNA testing- then surprise them with a digeridoo that speaks to the aboriginal heritage they never knew they had!

Trick them into wearing a Google glass all October, then buy things their eye landed on for longer than a minute!

For Seniors: Steal prized posessions from them and give them back next Christmas, when they’re forgotten they used to have them!

Cut out one inch by one inch squares of their favorite clothing and surprise them with a cursed doll of themselves!  Great for curing headaches and making love spells!

My Utterly Complete Shit List

This is a list of reasons I am not speaking to other comics, it’s a funny meditation on the things we allow to divide us even though we’re all gonna be dead someday.

People I am Not Speaking To For Sexual Misconduct Reasons

People Who Defended Other Comics To Me, I.E. How Do You Like Your Cosby Now? 

I Unfriended You Because Another Comic Asked Me To And They Are Back To Being Your Friend, So Fuck Me 

I Am Scared To Speak To You Because I Might Have You Confused With Another Comic 

I Refuse To Speak To You Because You Hurt My Feelings For Something I Don’t Remember What It Is

You Bought A Car From Me And Never Registered It And Never Paid Me For It (Specific)

I Basically Like You But Had To Turn Off Your Thirst Trap Feed

You Never Found A Spot For Me On A Show You Stopped Booking Years Ago

I Have A Crush On You And Am Embarrassed About It 

I Understand That You Do Comedy But Not Why 

I Understand That Other People Find You Funny But I Don’t 

I Envy Your Career But You Close On A Poop Joke 

Comics Who I Am Scared To Speak To Because I Think They’re Mad At Me For Something

You Are Too Extra For Me To Personally Cope With And I Feel Guilty But There It Is

You Have Never, Not Once In Your Life, Stayed To Support A Show After Your Set
General Shit List


Yes, comedy fans, Bowie fans, all humanity- start making your plans for Saturday nights roast of David Bowie, where the ghost of David Bowie will be played by me, Virginia Jones!

(This is what Ghost Bowie looked like, in case anyone is curious)

The Incredible Jackie and Laurie Show!

I am a huge fan of Jackie Kashian and Laurie Kilmartin and of their incredible insider/outsider comedy podcast. I am beyond tickled to be this week’s featured comic and demand to be referred to as “Jackie and Laurie Show Comic of the Week Virginia Jones” henceforth.  Also, listen to their show! NOW!

Laugh It Off- in the Chico News-Tribune

Laugh It Off:
The Trial-and-Error Comedy of Virginia Jones

By Robin Bacior

The life of a comedian can be glamorous, but often it’s far from that.

Lately, comedians have started to shed some mainstream light on the latter reality, such as Mike Birbiglia in his film Don’t Think Twice or Pete Holmes and his new HBO series, Crashing, both centering around how endlessly challenging it can be to tell jokes for a living.

“I had a conversation with a musician friend a couple years ago,” said comedian Virginia Jones. “He said, ‘You know, when you’re playing music at a bar, people are at least gonna clap in between songs. When you’re doing comedy at a bar, you not only need a response, but a positive response a couple times a minute.”

Jones, originally from Texas, started comedy in Portland in 2006.

“It’s a bucket-list thing,” Jones said. “For a year I wrote down anything that I’ve ever said that I thought was funny, and then tried to edit that down.”

She’s in L.A now, where she can sharpen her skills in one of the industry’s hubs, with a more competitive community.

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<h4 id=”h-on-la-la-land”>On La La Land</h4>
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“In La La Land: [Emma Stone’s character] puts everything into one show and nobody shows up and it breaks her heart,” Jones said. “If you do that 600 times, that’s what doing stand-up in L.A. feels like.”

Jones delivers jokes with slow, deadpan ease, often with a confessional tone. She has toured the West Coast several times, including performances at Portland’s Bridgetown and All Jane comedy festival
s, and the San Francisco Comedy Competition (in which she was a semi-finalist in 2013).

“Stand-up is where my heart is,” Jones says. “If I get national recognition, if I ever get to headline clubs, no matter what happens I know that I’ve really worked on my craft, and that’s a really good feeling.”

After she performs at the Chico Comedy Festival (doing sets at Duffy’s Tavern, LaRocca Tasting Room and the Naked Lounge on April 8, and at Sierra Nevada Big Room on April 9), Jones will return to L.A., where she’ll continue her pursuit. It’s not always easy, but at the very least, it’s comical.

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<h4 id=”h-real-world”>Real World</h4>
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“Pete Holmes lives in my neighborhood,” Jones said. “On a Saturday night, I was doing a show—I have a nightclub act where I’m a goth girl who sings songs. Anyway, I’m going to the show and I’ve got a big pink wig on, and he one white Marilyn Manson contact in, and I’m driving down the street and I kind of notice this guy who’s wearing a hoodie that’s pulled all the way around his face. He’s got it all closed up like a little kid. I realize it’s Pete Holmes and he’s trying to go incognito, and I stare at him and he’s staring at me and I thought, ‘No, I’m not the weirdo; Pete, you are the weirdo. Nobody does that with their hoodie.’ That’s L.A. life.”