Löve, Johnny
John Freeman was a college friend who was also a huge influence on my comedy, my musical tastes, and my worldview. He sometimes frustrated me, he sometimes amazed me, but I never stopped loving him, from the first day we met to the last.
John was a huge force in music scenes in Dallas and New York in the 90’s through the 2K’s, founding and abandoning bands like Duck, Duck, Annihilation, the DOOMS UK, The Oval-Teens, The Psychos, and Telethon. Some of his friends and bandmates are getting together in Denton at Rubber Glove Studios on March 30th to pay tribute to someone we loved.
I’m honored to host an evening for friends old and new, and I’ll also be performing a song that was probably about me.
The evening will include an exhibit of 300 pieces of John’s work, there will be Dutch Treats karaoke, and just a nice gathering of people whose lives he touched, and some people he touched.
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I’ve written about John and his work here.
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