Kickstand with Ryan Conner!

Next Friday at Kickstand, I’m opening for my friend Ryan Conner! He’s super funny and has been on late night television, and I’m super funny! Come on out and bask in our respective glory- tickets here!
Next Friday at Kickstand, I’m opening for my friend Ryan Conner! He’s super funny and has been on late night television, and I’m super funny! Come on out and bask in our respective glory- tickets here!
Portland, I love you and I’m so glad to be back.
This Friday, August 2nd, I’m doing a free show in Laurelhurst Park at 6:30. Get there by 6 to get a good spot and bring a blankie and a pic-nic and all manner of whatever you’d like!
Salem’s own Ron Funches headlines, Portland faves Adam Pasi and Brendan Creecy and my LA friend Scott Luhrs are all on the bill with me. It’s gonna be an old fashioned hoedown! Saturday, August 3rd at Laurelhurst Park! Thanks much to Julia Corral for putting it together!
Jackie Kashian is at the Siren Theatre, formerly known as Mississippi Studios, on Thursday, July 19 for two shows, at 6 and 8. FAIR WARNING: Eight o’clock tickets sold out already and 6 o’clock tickets are moving fast! I’m stoked to open for her, my friend and mentor- Friendtor. Come check it out! Tickets here: TIX
I’m opening for Maria Bamford as my last show in California, which feels super special and nice and I hope that people can come. Tickets are here.
LA, I love you so much. I didn’t think I would. I’ve had some great shows, attended some great rockshows, been out dancing, eaten all the veg@n foods, met some incredible artists and been in the room with many of my heroes. But twelve years later, tides have turned, and there’s a smell of lavender and pine needles in the air, and I gotta go back to Portland. But I’ll be back sometimes! Whenever Jarvis Cocker is in town, when goth festivals are in the offing, when a friend wants me to feature for them, I’ll return to you.
We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Virginia Jones a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
There’s a quote about being a professional comedian by Jerry Seinfeld: Just like sex work, the first time you do it for money, you’re a pro. My first time earning money as a comedian was on a road gig in Medford, Oregon at a bar called Ground Zero, which is now closed and which received no Yelp reviews during its existence.
My friend Keith Wallan booked me to feature for him, I think I might have been doing comedy for a year or two.
There was a free buffet at seven and the comedy started at eight o’clock. I remember that the audience had a large crossover with the people who wanted a free buffet, and that the stage for the comedy also had a stripper pole on it. After the show at 10, there was a dance party, so during the last fifteen minutes of the headliner’s act, young people with rhinestones on their hoodies started streaming in.
I wore my favorite vintage dress and was prepared to perform for thirty minutes.
Bombing is too kind a term for what I did there. I could hear people breathing. I could hear their cells replicating. At one point I asked about the pole and a voice in the darkness called out “That’s where the pretty girls dance!”
But even still! I was so proud of that hundred bucks, I was excited about the crappy hotel room they put me up in, I was excited about the long drive there and back, because that was it! I was a professional!
I also wrote a bit about the experience that was my opening for about seven years, so it paid off in a couple of ways.
My name is Virginia Jones and I got into comedy because I have stuff to say that is not appropriate for the office.
I have done comedy in laundromats, weed dispensaries, at vegan food fests, in London and Hong Kong clubs, and once in a backyard in Laguna Beach.
I am most proud of opening for amazing comics like Jackie Kashian and Maria Bamford, working with so many of my heroes.
My TikTok is, as the kids say, fire. Are they still saying that? I think they are. My comedy is for smart, mean people who love animals and hate most other people.
When I started telling jokes 18 years ago, to say that it was challenging for a woman in the industry was an understatement. You had to be a certain kind of grim, determined menace to keep at it. Another woman comic told me, you can’t ever bomb, because you’re representing women everywhere- and that was her truth, and it was sincerely given advice she thought would help me. What I think it did was make me afraid to try new weird stuff, or to go onstage and riff, or to take any risks at all. I held onto material for too long and sometimes overworked it, because I was too afraid to move in new stuff and maybe eat crap. I’m more confident now performing off the cuff, but it took a long time.
You know, I don’t really think that there’s any such thing as a non-creative. Everyone has invention in them, I believe that our brains are wired to produce new ideas. Not everyone makes it a large part of their life, but we are, all of us, creatives in some way. I was meeting with a friend recently who is an illustrator and web comic creator, and he was telling me how he was hoping that his “B” job (comics and illustration) would start making enough money to replace his “A” job (graphic design for the tech industry). I said you know, your art doesn’t owe you a living. It just is itself. Also, if it doesn’t earn you a living, it doesn’t mean you’re worse at it than someone for whom it does. It’s a gift to have a “B” job, something that fills your cup and makes you excited to make stuff. I think it keeps you from trying to fill your life with pro wrestling figurines or Beanie Babies or whatever. I think many of our worst compulsions as humans grow out of trying to fill the hole that creatives fill with art.