
Sirius, the Dog Star

Took my little dog on a walk and we found the Christmas Star.

I showed him that Sirius was also super bright. He said oh yeah, that’s where Laika, the dog astronaut, is buried.

I said, I’m so sorry, but she burnt up in space. He got upset and said she was interred on the Dog Star and that’s why it’s called that.

I said I don’t think so buddy that’s not what we learned in school and he asked didn’t you go to a school targeted to…HUMANS? I said yeah and he just snorted and refused to continue the conversation.

WORSHIP at Comedy Church with Tuesday Thomas!

comedy church december 9 tuesday thomas

From the deranged mind that brought you FREAKSHOW, comedian and producer Tuesday Thomas reinvents the performance space as COMEDY CHURCH, on alternate Fridays in the space next to 4874 W, Adams blvd!

It’s COMEDY CHURCH: It’s a religion that worships laughter.

Welcome to COMEDY CHURCH: it wants you to have fun.

Sweet COMEDY CHURCH: it will get drunk and confess that it loves you.

At COMEDY CHURCH, we commune, drink, and laugh at dirty jokes.

COMEDY CHURCH will stream on PAGAN TV on ROKU!

Miraculously, the price of your ticket returns to you via tax receipt for a charitable donation under 501 c3, benefitting LGBTQIA and BIPOC youth. It’s a win-win!

The address is for the venue isn’t real- it’s next door and shares a space with a communist bookstore. WHAT AN ADVENTURE!

It’s all organized by Tuesday Thomas, Beautiful Lunatic, Tiktok’s TRANMA-who hurts BECAUSE she cares. She’s been featured on VH1, MTV, E! and BBC’s World of Weird.

If you do nothing else to give and take cheer his Holiday season, come check out Comedy Church! Tickets HERE!


Virginia Jones does comedy. Virginia Jones is your funny friend. Virginia Jones wants to hold your hand and tell you secrets.

Tonight I sat down and bravely made myself a new promo one-sheet. Drink it in, I have a couple celebrity quotes. Thank you for coming on the journey with me.


Virginia Jones got to appear on the CALL ME CURIOUS podcast this Halloween, on the topic- Have adults taken over Halloween? You can listen here or anywhere you find podcasts. They booked me with another goth, the amazing Linus Owens, an academic who studies the role of Halloween in American society, and who writes on how a pagan holiday was adopted as a way for kids to get candy, and how young adults use it to try on identities. Anyways it’s a fun listen, take it from Virginia Jones, goth!


Altercation Comedy Festival

I’m headed to Austin for my first Altercation Comedy Festival next week, with my friends Jackie Kashian, Mike Weibe, the McCuewans, Kate Willett, Eddie Pepitone, Andy Iwancio, Henry Phillips, and secret headliner Todd Glass! I’m doing a set at a house party on Friday, Oct 21st at 7 (see my Insta for details) and hosting the Henry Phillips show at 9 at Kick Butt Coffee! Yes, it’s just that fancy! Tickets here


Official Poster with Illegible Name

I’ll be headed back down to Austin, Texas, the Portland of the South, in October. I’m there to do the Altercation Comedy Festival. I’ll be performing with my friends Eddie Pepitone, Andy Iwancio, Jackie Kashian, Chad Opitz, Emmett Montgomery, and lots of other Austin and Seattle friends.

Kate Willett from SF will be there, and my friend Mike Weibe and Avery Moore, and all kindsa great acts. Hit the link for more info!

Tickets are on sale now!


flyer for horror nerd with virginia jones

Halloween’s coming! And with that in mind, HORROR NERD is also coming! This August, it’s a witch-themed show featuring Jackie Steele, Samantha Hale, Allusia, Subhah Agarwal, and me! Tickets are HERE!