I Got A Sticker- What Now?

sticker virginia jones badinia

So you have a sticker that says Badinia.com, and it led you here. Maybe you found it at a bus stop. Maybe it was slipped between the pages of a poorly-reviewed sexy vampire book. Maybe you went to a comedy show and a slightly unhinged person forced it into your hands, and you took it because it was shiny. What happens now?

This is your introduction to the world of comedian Virginia Jones. Welcome. You can do anything here- or rather, anything she wants you to do. You can look at a map of everywhere she’s ever performed comedy. You can listen to her album, Gothic American. You can see where she’s playing next. You can check out the quote plugin at the bottom of the page, in which wisdom resides. You can follow her on TikTok. Or you can just, I don’t know. Hang out.


Dune! Cosplay! Tiktok! I made a Tiktok about Dune in Fremen cosplay. I make stuff every day and some of it is good. This isn’t, this is a joke I did about Dune. But it’s short. But other content is good. I’m pleased that ten years ago, this would have been a joke I did to whomever I saw the movie with and that would be it, but now I can do it for you guys.