Competitive Erotic Fan-Fiction: Laura Palmer
Mom, pretty please don’t read this one either. I’m sorry.

This was my entry for the second round of Bryan Cook’s amazing show, Competitive Erotic Fan Fiction at the Nerdmelt Theatre on 7/16.
If you’re not familiar, it’s a show where the first half is talented writers and comics who have pre-written amazing prose, and the second half is crazy people who have had an audience suggestion assigned to them. It is released in podcast form here, please go listen and attend this show! Bryan is taking it to SF, and it’s been to Seattle, Portland, Bridgetown Comedy Festival, and just all over. It is hilarious and deeply disturbing. My first show was just posted, which was a filthy story about Touched by an Angel. This time, I wrote on a random pull of topic “Laura Palmer”, in 18 minutes.