Stunning Tips For A Hot (Covid) Girl Summer!

Most of us have upgraded from our first masks, if you were lucky, the N95, which was a hot fashion item in March.
Now, we have an assortment of fabric masks in a fun array of colors and textures. Our friends have made them, our moms have made them, maybe we’ve made them. We’ve graduated from starting every outing by tying a bandanna around our faces like Jesse James. We’ve hit Etsy to get a mask with Batman or Hamilton on it, any fandom except Harry Potter because fuck that lady! But how do we refresh our look for a long, hot isolated Summer?
Tip 1
Remember sunscreen! It may feel safe to go out with sunglasses and a mask on, but if you don’t use sunscreen, your tan is gonna make you a reverse Panda bear.
Tip 2
For fun, coordinate your mask with your swimsuit, your sneakers, or the sweatpants you’ve been wearing for 150 days in a row!
You can wear a lined mask in breezy summer fabrics like poplin and broadcloth, do a printed floral for a flirty, feminine touch, or stick with canvas or denim for a practical, DIY look.
Tip 3
If your mask looks boring, and/or you’ve gone insane, accessorize with sequins, rhinestones, or studs! Not grommets, though. Grommets are bad.
Tip 4
Cut up those band tees you’ve outgrown or gotten bleach on and make a mask by hand! Now, everyone at the Trader Joe’s can tell you like Belle and Sebastian or Sebadoh! Maybe you can put a band together on Zoom! Super cool. Make sure and double line it.
Tip 5
If you don’t like wearing a mask, or don’t think you can breathe with one on, stay home! Do you want to go grocery shopping without a mask? Order groceries online! If you think the rules that apply to everyone else don’t apply to you, stay home and do a podcast, you fucking narcissist! Stay the fuck home!