Because this film is better than any book out this Summer, I’m going to review it for NPR as Summer Reading. Keep in mind that they did not ask me to, and if they had known that I was going to, would have asked me not to.
The Wolverine concerns itself with the big themes: heroes, loyalty, friendship, spanning the distance between cultures with sex and murder, honor, the loneliness of immortality, the natural world vs. the scientific, goth girls with swords, and giant robots.
Logan stands in for such iconic martyrs as St. Sebastian and an adamantium-clawed Jesus, rising from his (SPOILER ALERT) death on a Terminator 2 liquid metal table to battle evil.
Films about The Wolverine are often, by their very nature, about love — its presence or absence — and this one is no exception. The love that Wolverine shares with Jean Grey- that he loves her completely and forever, even after she has died, and despite the fact that he killed her, creates a blood-stained watermark for other romantic films to aspire to.
Also, in this film, Hugh Jackman got really, really super big, like, his head just sits on a triangle of meat that is his neck. This is just one thing that makes it a great film for the ladies, although in Origins: Wolverine, you got to see his Wolverinis.
This is the best book you’ll never read. The Wolverine. Do it.
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